We frequently encounter teams that have to deal with complex and fragile codebases. Almost all of these teams are fully aware that the quality and robustness of the code is one of their main problems but they’re struggling to find the right answer.
One approach I’ve seen teams attempt (and have actually tried myself) is to attempt to write tests for the existing codebase. While valiant, this approach will most likely get you nowhere. Here’s why:
Writings tests and applying Test Driven Development is a good start! Just apply common sense and don’t go overboard with writing tests for your existing codebase. Where your code branches off into untested code perhaps apply an interface you can test. It’s probably also a good idea to add a test that validates the behaviour you’re expecting from the new code’s perspective but don’t drill down.
If you can’t make heads or tails from existing code then don’t try. Instead rebuild the feature the code is supporting using the help from domain experts, customers, users, etc. Make sure to apply TDD this time though ;-)
Proper testing is essential for keeping quality of a system high. High quality is the only way to be able to move fast but don’t assume adding tests for existing code will reap the same benefits.
Want to know more about dealing with legacy codebases? Send me a message on LinkedIn or just ask in the comments!
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